Sunday, August 04, 2013

Promise to clean my apartment ... promise broken, refused to return my email and phone calls.

On May 28, I complained about the dirt from the construction and I asked when the construction will be finished so I can  have my apartment cleaned.  She offered to clean my apartment with the professional cleaning crew.  I asked Sandra for this in writing.  She sent the following

May 28 2013


This email will confirm that our cleaning crew will clean all the dust in your apartment, at a date of your choosing.  As I mentioned, they are here Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.



I was going to be on vacation for three weeks and asked to to have the apartment cleaned.  She said it would be cleaned July 4th.  

I sent her an email on July 9th to see how the cleaning went  .... she does not answer me.

I resent the email July 12.  she does not answer

July 17 ... she does not answer.

On July 24 I sent an email telling her NOT to come into my apartment. ...  she does not answer.

I called, and left messages ... she does not call me back.

I called July 25 and talked to Julia, the secretary asking to acknowledge my email not to come in.

Nobody calls me back.  Nobody responds to my email.

I had the apartment professionally cleaned and will deduct this from my September rent.  I already paid my August rent.